Who am I and what am I doing ?

My name is Paul Prochan

I am responsible for purchasing spare parts, equipment, raw materials for big industrial plants in the city of Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.

I deal with quality fine grounded Graphite Powders made in Ukraine and supply them for our beloved customers.

Since 2022, our company offers Graphene Nanopowders made in Ukraine.

I was born in 1987 in the industrial city of Zaporizhzhia, in the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic, which had been a part of the USSR.

Since 1991 it is independent Ukraine.

I am married and raise my son.

When the full-scale Russian attack started in February 2022, I returned back and worked till May 2023 for The "Zaporizhzhia Foundry and Mechanical Plant" LLC, securing the manufacturing process with all the necessary things, equipment and raw materials needed.

I am proud that in 2022, I submitted my application to the local Zaporizhzhia National University and started studying History & Archaelogy. That was my dream since the beginning of 2000s.

The theme of my diploma thesis is “The evolution of the institution of the monarchy in the modern world: the United Kingdom (1952-2022), a case study”.

My area of research is monarchy, namely – the monarchy of the United Kingdom.

I hope I will apply acquired skills and knowledge for my future career.

What the languages do I speak ?

I speak English, Russian, Ukranian and German

English – I started seriously learning it since 2017 and my first English tutor was Zimbabwean, who could speak different variants of English – British, American, African, etc. I appreciate English as a “lingua franca” of the globalized world.

Russian – I am a native speaker of Russian and speak different types of this language – so called “high style” Russian, local Zaporizhzhia variant of Russian, and other variants which is better not to use if you do not belong to the certain groups of people.

Ukranian – It is my mother tongue, though official variant of Ukrainian differs from those variants of language that are more natural to the rural regions around Zaporizhzhia.

German – This language was my “first love”. I even tried to read Goethe and Nietzsche in German. I would like to add that in my region (Zaporizhzhia) lived German colonists from the 18th century up 1940s.

Where have I been studying and working ?

Find out more about my experience

The aim ?

Why have I created this webpage?

I learned how to create webpages and decided to present myself online, here on the Web.

This website is like my personal CV on the Internet, shown to anyone and which I can edit.


My dreams ?

I dream of being happy and do my own business.
Changing oil business or recycling business!

Also, no matter where you are located or what do you need graphite powder (or other raw materials) for.

I can help you to choose the right graphite’s type and to deliver it wherever you need to.

Actually, I would like to work in a big museum or

– in a famous library or

– be an archaeologist or

– be a writer or

– be a monk or

– healing people (especially people’s spines, because almost every person has problems with spine).
